Easter Holiday30 March 2020 (by admin) |
I hope you have all had a good weekend.
The Government has asked that some schools remain open during the Easter holiday to help provide care for the children of critical workers. I assume that parents probably made arrangements for the Easter holiday period before the Coronavirus outbreak but St George’s will be open during this time EXCEPT FOR GOOD FRIDAY AND BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY, WHEN IT WILL BE CLOSED.
However, I must stress that this is only for those children who absolutely need to attend and when you can make no alternative provision. Government guidelines are clear: ‘If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.’ Please make every effort to plan alternative child care arrangements within the household eg older sibling, partner, step-parent. Keep your child safe with you if you are able to work from home, if your shift changes or if you finish work early.
Please adhere to government guidelines to help stop the spread of the virus and keep your child safe.
If you do intend to send your child to St. George’s at any point over the Easter break, please contact me on headteacher@netherseal.derbyshire.sch.uk by noon on Thursday so that arrangements can be made.
Please note that we are now ‘sharing’ staff with St. George’s so there may not always be a member of the Netherseal team present.
Thank you for your support and understanding.