Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is driven by social change. Alongside the need to ensure our curriculum is preparing children for the future, sits the desire to make our world a better place. It is designed to encourage all of our pupils to consider the importance of societies and governments and to respect people’s rights, environmentally responsible living and the power of collective action. We have developed topics around the motto our pupils created:
P.R.I.D.E Power. Respect. Independence. Determination. Eco-friendly - We have the POWER to make a change and be the best that we can be.
The power of words, the power of change, the power to make a difference!
Click here for our 'BIG Picture' planning document
Please visit class pages to see yearly curriculum overviews.
We aim to deliver a curriculum which ‘broadens horizons’, reflects British Values and extends our pupils’ experience of contrasting cultures and environments as we build on our International School status. We teach the majority of foundation subjects using a rolling programme of themes, which allows children to make real, authentic connections and enables us to deliver breadth and balance across the National Curriculum subjects.
Children focus on three global themes which link to our school motto, values and ethos.
Autumn term: History focus with the overarching global theme of POWER and GOVERNANCE
Spring Term: Geography focus with the overarching global theme of ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY
Summer Term: Creative arts focus with the overarching global theme of RESPECT FOR IDENTITY AND DIVERSITY
Knowledge organisers identify year group expectations within mixed age classes and core knowledge, ideas and concepts.
Cultural Capital
Cultural capital is acquiring knowledge that is useful in our lives today.
Teachers regularly plan cultural experiences and update our school 'Activity Passport'.
Our curriculum includes:
- The voices of people from diverse cultures
- Developing an understanding of the world as a global community
- Rich vocabulary and terminology
- Authentic and explicit links between subjects
- Trips, visitors
- Curriculum enrichment opportunities eg. ECO status; International Schools; Forest School; peripatetic music; after school clubs
One pupil said, ‘You can choose your own lifestyle when you get older, based on what you have learnt.’
It is this powerful knowledge that will put children from our school at an advantage.
Through our curriculum, our pupils will be motivated by a strong personal sense of morality. They will leave Netherseal St.Peter’s School as independent, determined learners and creative thinkers who make decisions for the right reasons, respect difference, understand the significance of our connections to the wider world and realise the impact their own decisions and actions have locally, nationally and globally.
They will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and POWER to go out into the world and affect social change, make a difference to their own life and to others and be the best person that they can be.
Quick link to physical education page
Quick link to religious education page
For further information about our curriculum, please see Mrs Machell