Main Street, Netherseal, Derbyshire DE12 8BZ

01283 760283

Netherseal St Peter's CE Primary School

We have the power to make a change and be the best that we can be

We have been awarded an ECO flag for the fifth time, making us one of the most sustainable schools in the country.

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Eco Club

Eco Club aims to promote environmental awareness in our school and the local community. This focuses on 10 main areas: marine, energy, water, biodiversity, school grounds, healthy living, transport, litter, waste & global citizenship.

Eco members consist of children ranging from Foundation Stage to Year 6, who meet regularly throughout  the year.  Eco Club aims to promote environmental awareness in our school and the local and wider community by embedding it into the heart of our curriculum. 

Our Eco coordinator is Miss J Halsey.

"Thank you for taking the time to show me around your wonderful school.  I was delighted to meet so many children from every age group, who were really so enthusiastic about the whole Eco School project.  It was fantastic to see how the environment had been woven into so many lessons and subjects. There are no suggestions for strengthening your Eco schools work in the future.  Well done to everyone and keep up the great work". (Eco assessment)



Our Wonderful World

World Ocean Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future. Together we can protect our oceans!

Our School's Eco Aims

E veryone works hard to make our school the school they want it to be

C are for our environment

O nly use what you need


S upport our school

C ycle, walk, or car share to school, whenever you can

H aving fun whilst helping save the environment

O nly bin things which can't be recycled

O ur school and the world is important

L itter free zone

Our Work

Our first ‘Green Flag’ was awarded in April 2012.  We were then re-accredited with this award in 2014. Since then we have been working hard to continue to develop our Eco work further and were recently thrilled to be awarded the Green Flag for the fifth time in a row! This is an amazing achievement and makes us one of the most sustainable schools in the country.

 Our work has included:

  •  conducting 'Environmental Reviews' and setting aims based on these reviews
  •  interviewing our school clerk to inform our ‘Green Procurement Policy'
  •  designing posters based on environmental issues
  •  organising 'Travel Smart weeks
  •  holding 'Scooter Smart' training days
  •  holding road safety days
  •  recycling clothes, shoes, toys, books, CDs, DVDs, towels, sheets, blankets, curtains, mobile phones, ink cartridges and writing equipment through our recycling schemes
  • becoming community recycling champions through Terracycle - you can now also recycle writing equipment in our local community at 'The Seal Inn'
  •  taking part in the Five60 programme
  •  providing children with opportunities to take part in a wider range of PE activities
  •  we have achieved and been re-accredited with Sun Safe School status for our work in educating children to keep themselves safe in the sun
  • planting flowers, seeds & bulbs; creating three-tier planters; planting trees in the school grounds & local areas
  •  feeding the birds with fat balls and using bread, peanut butter, bird seed and cutters to make our own food to feed the birds
  •  growing our own fruit and vegetables from seeds, including: potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, sweet peas & sweetcorn
  •  looking for ways to attract wildlife to our school
  •  purchasing bee/insect homes
  •  making bird feeders out of milk cartons
  •  taking part in the RSPCA bird challenge, where we identified, monitored & submitted data to help establish which birds are attracted to our school garden
  •  recycling paper and card
  •  purchasing signs to promote biodiversity
  •  growing plants indoors; taking cuttings from our spider plants & taking them home to look after
  •  creating moss gardens
  •  we are one of 10,000 schools who have been selected, based on our successful application. to take part in a science experiment to contribute to growing plants in space
  •  we are currently taking part in the Fifteen Oaks project - working in partnership with local groups, we are planting fifteen oak trees around the village to commemorate the centenary of WW1 & remember the fifteen men from the village, who lost their lives in the conflict
  • electing monitors to read the electricity, oil and water meters; monitoring energy use and trying to reduce it through use of class monitors
  • children leading assemblies about environmental issues 'keeping safe’ assembly theme & assembly for parents
  • purchasing, creating, adapting & maintaining ‘Pete’s Arbour’ (our sensory garden)
  • purchasing and installing a water butt 
  • taking part in water saving workshops through Water Explorer & Severn Trent
  • holding ECO days
  • Tesco ‘Farm to Fork’ trip
  • linking up with other schools to share our ECO experiences & supporting a local school with their Eco Schools work
  • sponsoring a child in India
  • achieved full International Schools accreditation award
  • curriculum - based work covering the different Eco areas
  • taking part in Empty Classroom Day
  • holding a water festival
  • taking part in and winning 'Bake Well, Waste Less Swadlincote Baking Bonanza'
  • working with Natural England’s Leicestershire, Rutland and Lowland Derbyshire team to support the conservation of the River Mease and raise its profile
  • one of just five schools (primary & secondary) to reach the national final of the Water Explorers competition
  • marine life debate at Derby Cathedral with the Mayor
  • air pollution tubes investigation linked to Friends of the Earth
  • Forest Schools
  • Journey through nature week
  • Modeshift stars award
  • International Schools Award
  • Sun safe award
  • Theme days - Move it Monday, Shoesday, Wheelie Wednesday, Fluorescent Thursday, Pollution Free Friday
  • Graphing and interpreting data
  • Comparing our results to similar schools
  • Willow weaving